Pardon me for being all emo.
But, I was just thinking;
So much has changed just within
these few years of my life.
Its scary, how time passes so
quickly, it really is.
Challenges faced,
decisions, and
mistakes made.
All of them have changed & affected
my life in one way or another.
10 long years in
IJ - awesome.
Words alone, cannot describe the many experiences
and lessons I've learnt & had in IJ alone.
Friends I've met, and treasured.
I hold them dearly as my friends.
The many teachers who have taught me.
The teachers who cared,
and the teachers who have
made a huge difference in my life.
Primary 1 Ixora
Primary 2 Honolulu
Primary 3 Daisy
Primary 4 Daisy
Primary 5 Ixora
Primary 6 Ixora
Secondary 1 Eight
Secondary 2 Eight
Secondary 3 Six
Throughout these years,
Friends come and go.
Through fights, quarrels and disagreements,
I've learned to treasure them so much more.
I clearly remember, exactly a year ago.
All I did was wonder how I was ever gonna survive
the year w/o my batch, the batch I'd grew up with
for the past 9 years of my life.
The first day of school.
Unfamiliar faces, unfamiliar voices.
I didnt feel that welcomed, as I felt with my own batch.
I never gave myself a chance to get to know the new faces,
neither did I give them the chance to get to know me.
I still kept clinging on, somehow.
my mind was filled with thoughts of them,
Recess was spent with them.
Whenever I was down or crying,
the first thing I'll do is to
look for them at st raphaels.
But somehow, just somehow.
We started drifting.
There were moments I doubted them.
In fact, I felt they didn't care anymore.
I felt out of place whenever I was with them.
All they did was talk about stuff,
that I either was too dumb to understand,
or stuffs that didnt concern me.
Outings they had, I wasn't invited.
It was alright, I could understand.
But, I was hurt - deeply.
As much as I kept them close to me,
I felt, they didnt.
I was crushed - extremely.
Nothing beats these friends I've met
for so many years of my life,
some ever since primary school even.
I kept thinking about them.
At the same time, wondering if they
ever did think of me?
Be it a second or so, I'd be happy enough
to know they did.
No smses from any of them.
For a moment, I thought they had
forgotten all about me.
So much for being there for me, always?
And when I'm with them now,
I feel like a complete stranger.
Its so different.
It really is.
At least I still got to see them
once in a while in school this year.
But I dont know how things are gonna be next year,
when they are not there,
and I dont get to see them at all.
They tell me they'll come and visit me.
Will they?
Or will they forget me?
ARGHHH. I dont understanding
why I'm starting to cry.
Just ignore me. Thanks Whatever it is,
I'll never forget you'll.
Just a random post on my thoughts.
You can ignore it.
Its fine with me.
Just needed to, let things out.
Before I go,
heres a few who have changed my life
in one way or another, and I am
personally grateful.
(arranged randomly)
Van Tng
Eliz Ang
Mel Yeo
Nat Ho
Nat Liew
Claire Chua
Amanda Lim
Jayne Yong
Mel Kong
Jamie Lee
Cheryl Tan
3/6 `04
The basketballers
Confirmants `04
CLSorry to those I've missed out
On the other hand,
The holidays are passing, really quickly.
So quickly that I dont even want or rather
dare, to count the days down.
I'm sorry, but there's nothing to look forward to in January.
Except for my birthday, it'll be busy studying time.
Especially since its an important year.
A major exam, as what we call, the O LEVELS.
Oh yes, don't remind me.
I'll be off, to sleep after this.
It's almost four, and I'm tired.
Was just chatting with shayna online.
She's leaving her house in 1/2 an hours
time for the airport.
She'll be flying off to HK.
Have a good trip then (:
Just woke up, not long ago.
Training was HELL TIRING, seriously.
Slept the moment I came home, after my bath.
And now, its time for work
Gathering at Aunty Phyllis's place earlier.
Her house totally rocks, baby.
Its like a dream come true.
Movies (Projectors and Stereos), Swimming Pool, Spiral Staircase, Opened Rooftop (to lie down and watch the stars), POOL TABLE! (which the girls didnt get to use, cos the guys were hogging it), etc.
Its simply gorgeous (:
Here are some photos-

Hetts, me, Cheryl, Nikki, Claire, Bel

Bel, me, Hetts, Claire, Nikki

Cheryl, Bel, Nikki, Claire and I.

More photos will be up, soon.
For now, I've gtg.
Training tmr.
All of the moments that already passed
We'll try to go back and make them lastNelly Furtado - Try
Oh dear, Hetts!
I'm singing this song over and over again.
Hahah, all thanks to you :)
GRAD NIGHT!Sad, but good!
Everyone looked so GOOOD!
Memories I'll definitely keep.
All thanks to Mrs Siau, I got in.
Made me take retarded photos of the both of us,
outside the ballroom. You should have just watched
us. She just kept coming up with new poses and all.
Hahahhahah! I'm serious. She rocks, totally! :)
I'll upload the photos soon.
The hotel room -
It was in TOTAL CHAOS!
Don't wish to talk about it.
Oh yes, and the
Hoped you'll liked it, though it was last minute.
Just let me know if you'll want a copy?
Over to LIDO's macs around 4am, with Partner,
Pinky, Carrie, Presty, Henryk, Shane, Ron and Evan.
We bascially spent most of our time, talking in the
Around five plus, we went back to our room.
Watched some "horror" movie, which was bloody draggy!
It was so draggy and boring that one by one, everyone
started falling asleep. I admit, I admit - I was one of them.
I thought Pinky's scream would be able to wake me up,
but no, she slept as well. Hahahah. So they decided to
switch the tv off, and go to sleeep!
Woke up about nine, and couldnt get back to sleep.
Everyone was scattered everywhere. You could see them
on the floor, the bed and my EVER SO CUTE PRESTY was
sleeping in the WARDROBE! OMG, how cute is that! Belle,
in the wardrobe? Hahahha. Love that presty of mine la, really.
So, decided to join her, yes in the wardrobe.
Oh, and the aircon was FREEEZING COLD!
Like even with my sweater on and the blanket,
I was still freezing! I'm serious.
There's so much to type.
But I shan't.
I'm really tired.
Hardly slept last night.
And I'm starting to fall sick.
I kinda feel it.
My throats starting to hurt,
and I'm feeling really cold.
Partner's place tmr, I can't wait!
I had fun.
Hope you'll had a great graduation :)
And Rachel; Sorry I didnt turn up for training today :|
The rest are already at Hyatt, checking in.
Unlike Donn and I, we're still at home packing our stuff.
Actually, I have yet to pack mine.
Still busy, with the presents!
I'm excited!
Hahah, I am.
I'm all excited for tmr, at the same time, sad.
Grrrr. I don't understand myself.
Shopping today, went pretty GOOD!
Followed the babes around to shop for their accessories,
do menicure, pluck their eyebrows etc.
Dinner with Dianne and Carrie at Phines, was GOOOD! :)
We were having the best time of our lives,
just laughing and joking away.
Well, at least I did have fun.
Singing christmas carols, etc.
Hahaha. It was GREAT!
Mel's place after.
And her dad just sent me home, not long ago.
I'm off.
Busy, doing something.
Oh my. And did I add.
Today was such a scandalous day.
Pinky and I would know why.
Hahahah. Oh dear!
Checking in around tweleve tmr.
Note to self: I miss you terribly.I'm sorry I sent you the sms earlier.
Just that, I really do miss you.
8 more days til I get my first pay! :)
Can't wait for the end of the month
to arrive, definitely can't!
There's way too much shopping to do.
And so, 8 days it is.
Won't you just count it down with me, baby!
Woohooo! Can't wait!
Shopping tmr, sounds great?
The O's are finally, OVER!Oh yes, it is. :)
I dont get why I'm so excited?
Maybe cos, I'll get to spend more time with them?
Its been one whole long year of:
- Not being able to see them everyday
- Not being able to talk to them everyday
- Perhaps, not understanding them anymore (?)
- Missing them, wishing I was there with them
- Fights, quarrels, disagreements
- Tears
As of today, they'll be sleeping, eating, shopping, mj-ing, playing and rotting their lives away, without thinking they have to STUDY.
They are finally, FREEE! :)
Now now, if theirs have ended.
Does that mean, mine's gonna begin? just watching this (courtesy of Gina)
And I started crying like fuck.
Oh gosh.
I swear I'm such a cry baby.
I'm gonnna miss them, terribly.
Thanks for all the memories these past four years.
It has been GREAT! And, I definitely won't forget
the bond we've shared, and whatever that laid in
our hearts.
Our paths may go in different directions.
But, our hearts, NEVER.
I love each and every single one of you.
Here's replying the few of you'll.
Ana: Haha. Hello Stacey! :)
Pauline: Why aren't you acting anymore! Gosh, that was so embarrassing!
PARTNER!: I miss you too partner! Study hard for your last paper alright. I'll see you on grad night!
Currently downloading some video editor.
Which is apparently, taking ages to do so.
Back from work not long ago.
Shakeit dropped by with Pinky and Mr Hunkie.
They were studying at the coffee bean next door.
I can't wait for grad night!
It's on thurs, oh yes it is.
I'm gonna look disgusting.
Oh YUCK, please don't remind me.
I'm so excited for the day to come.
But, it is also the official day
they'll be out of IJ, for good.
FUCKWhy does it have to end this way?
OMG. Talking to some DUMBSHIT now.
Alright, I shant be that bad.
Hahaha. I bet she's gonna stare at them NONSTOP.
Oh shit. I'm starting to get sleepy.
Now stace, just shut up and continue adding testimonials.
Leaving the house in 3 hours, for school.
STARBUCKS is becoming a new hanging out spot for me. :)
This morning turned out surprisingly good, all thanks to belle!
That girl, really knows how to cheer me up.
We left all the stuff at starbucks,
and headed for lunch.
But, we ended up at the ARCADE
for about an hour or so, playing.
Haha. Damn, it was so fun!
I wish it never ended.
But sadly, it had to.
Cos I had work at 3.
Oh boy! We'll do it again Belle (PRESTY!), I promise.
Love you PRESTY.
We were having so much of fun
while the rest were sitting for
their ACCOUNTS MCQ paper. Oh wells.
Claire and Natho came later.
Now, work.
I was doing drinks today.
Being the usual clumpsy me,
I made a couple of mistakes.
BUT, It was my first time in the bar.
Cos, I'm usually a waitress.
Taking orders, Serving drinks
and the usuals.
Yes, so it wasn't that bad for a first timer.
Especially when I was alone, after 11pm.
Had plenty of orders.
Esp, Magaritta, Lychee Martini, and Vodka.
It was NON-STOP.
From 3pm all the way til 1.30am.
Definitely TIRING!
Arrived home not long ago,
just to find my WHOLE room in a complete mess.
Dad bought a new printer/scanner/copier,
when I already have one.
Its placed on the cupboard,
where I placed all my photoframes,
and nonsense.
YES, so he took all of them out
for the stupid BIG machine.
And all my stuff, is all over.
I can hardly see my desk.
Haha. I'm serious.
Its already 2.40am.
And my stupid hair is still wet.
Thats the problem with LONG hair.
RAHHHS. I can't wait to have my
long and disgusting hair, cut!
That reminds me!
Sheila is cutting her hair again.
OMG. Did I tell you, how long it
took me that day, just to find
the hair dressers (fareast)
she was at.
Oh my, you wouldnt want to know.
Doubt I'm gonnna sleep although
I'm dead tired.
I have training at freaking 8 in the morning.
And its almost 3. If I fall asleep now,
I'll never be able to wake up on time.
You can trust me on that.
OMG. Can someone please entertain me?
I CANT FALL ASLEEEEP! NO stace, you can't.
And you better not!
Will be at starbucks after training.
Thats when, I'll fall asleeep! (:
Sounds good?
What a long entry!
I'd better get going.
But before I go.
I was just thinking of someone:
SABB!Wonder how's that girl doing.
Its been such a long time
since I saw her online,
since I met her,
since she updated her blog.

Oh man, I fucking miss that girl!
I'm gonna sms her.
She'd better be coming for grad night.
Feed me those pills till my heart starts bleeding
to cover my unbroken lies
Back from work.
Been've out the whole day.
Starbucks in the morning, followed
by tuition, and back to starbucks again,
and lastly, to work.
I'm tired.
Thank you for the moments
Of all the hopes and dreams
I could've prayed for,
There you are.
And did I tell you that I love you tonight?
I miss you.
Thanks for today
Ms Claire Chua! :)
Really had a GOOD time!
Its been LONG, and I'm glad
we caught things up today.
We'll go out after your stinking O's.
Block catching, Sneak out nights, Sentosa,
Selaseh after mass, Pool sessions, Canoeing,
hanging around after mass, studying, and
the usuals. The list just continues.
Damn, I miss those days.
Looking forward for the 25th.
Block catching, it'll be!
I love you baby! :)
Spent the day at starbucks, studying.
Helping PINKY and Shayna with some
sec three accounts topics as well.
WORKING CAPITAL! Omg, it took me
so long to calculate, just to get
an answer that was already in the ques
itself. How dumb! Please dont remind me,
its embarrassing.
Claire and Mel came later.
And I, had stopped studying then.
Hahah! Stop laughing at me.
Cabbed to GREEN with Claire,
after she was done studying geog.
Man, talked about so much of shit in the
cab. I bet the uncle was listening. Haha.
Then met Donn, Nikki, Tessa, Scott, Josh,
and the guys at GREEN.
I'd better sleep soon.
Have to be at starbucks at 9.30am tmr.
Claire will be waking me up, thats good!
Cos somehow, I have this tendency of oversleeping.
Haha. YES!
I'm off.
All the best for GEOG and ACCOUNTS.Can I be your memory?
Thanks for being there sheila. :)
I'm dead tired now.
Basically, a whole day spent doing ART.
I offered help to everyone.
I helped those who asked.
I tried my best to please everyone.
But I couldnt, and for that, I'm sorry.
I'm sorrry, really am.
Please dont ignore me any further.
Ystday, accompanied Mel to meet my cousin, Elise.
And then, to Bald's place to pierce Mel's naval.
Yes yes, she's got a pretty naval piercing now!
After which, headed to town.
Shopped like there was no tomorrow.
Haha. I'm serious.
And purple hair it was, for Mel.
And green, for ME : D
I'm off to sleep.
Meeting PINKY at 7.30 tmr morning, to study! :)
And to those who are taking ART:
The weather's a killer.
Staying up to do art.
Owls are UGLY creatures.
I'm drawing them now.
Its the coffee.
Yes, the after effects of TOO much of coffee.
Try it, its goood! :)
Attended this years CONFIRMATION at 3 earlier.
I swear, Bel Shaunna and Mary-anne
should wear more skirts and dresses.
It was once in a lifetime.
BUT hey! They really looked AWESOME!
But of course, Shaunna that dumbass
started walking around heel-less.
Cos she was NOT used to it, and she
was basically having a hard time
with it. Hahah.
Oh! And the celebration was so grand,
unlike ours last year. Oh wells.
Sorry I couldn't stay for long
as I had to rush off for work.
But all of you looked really GREAT today!
Bel, Shaunna, Mary-anne, Felicia, Pauline, Prema, Gayle etc.
Its been exactly a year (13 Nov 04)
since my confirmation.
And I miss it, seriously.
I'm sure Debbie, Sammie, Claire,
Nikki and all the other confirmants 04
would agree with me, yes.
And so, to all the
confirmants 04:
Chatting with NATASHA LIEW!
Boy, its been ages since I last saw her.
And I miss her, terribly.
I get to see her through her webcam.
Askin me whether she put on weight all, that silly girl.
Hahah. Can't wait for her to return on the 7th of Dec.
Then, we'll have sneak out nights at JALAN KAYU
and blockcatching at GREEN again (:
What say you?
Todays gonna be one helluva busy day.
Please dont ask me how I'm feeling right now,
even that I cant answer myself.
I'm just confused.
I refuse to listen,
I refuse to believe.
Perhaps, its true.
Nah, It can't be.
Just take me away.
Mel just finished working.
She's on her way down to my house busstop.
Going to town with her, to meet her cousin.
Gonna pass PARTNER her art tmr.
And I'm hardly done with it.
Looks like, I'll be staying up tonight.
I'd better get going.
Its disturbing.
This can't be it.
All along, I've been treating you as my friend.
Its been a long day, and I'm tired.
Dont wanna think bout anything
right at the moment.
So long and GOODNIGHT then.
And talk to me
Like you don't know
What we ever fought about
I don't remember anymore
I just know that you warm my heart
And know what all my imperfections are
you say that I am the brightest
Little firefly in your jarBrightest - Copeland
Last day of ART CLUSTER earlier.
Fell asleep in the bus, on the way to school.
Woke up, found myself at SJI busstop.
So quickly got off.
Mrs Zailee fetched me from there, to ACS primary.
Oh boy, that was embarrassing.
Talked to Mrs Zailee during lunch
about the O level ART project work.
She wants me to try PAINTING,
instead of PAPERART.
Looks like, I'll have to start
practicing, working with PAINT.
Work later, at 6.
Mel's already there.
That girl started at 3,
and will be ending at 1am with me.
Alright, off then.
Physically drained.
Started the day with ART CLUSTER at 8am.
To all the different primary schools
(RGPS etc.)to teach them ART.
They were so CUTE and ADORABLE.
After which, rushed home
Met Yan Peng and Mel at 5
for our very FIRST DAY at work.
Learnt bout the drinks,
served the drinks,
took down orders,
kept the place neat and tidy,
all the way til one in the morning.
Magaritta, Heineken, Killkenny,
Tiger, etc. You name it, we have it.
Anyways, I just arrived home.
Shall go bathe and sleep.
Good Night.
ART CLUSTER again, tmr morning.
More of the younger ones came.
The state of my bedroom : COMPLETE MESS.
They took ALL the softtoys
out of the cupboard.
Somehow, I actually convinced them
to play hide and seek around the house.
Thats good, I can finally start with my art.
while they have fun, finding one another.
Its amazing how small lil things,
never seem to let them have so
much of FUN.
Earlier, I had an urge to
play the guitar, so took
it out of the case.
To my dismay, I couldn't.
Some IDIOT burst my string,
and put it back into the case
without telling me.
Oh boy, I was HELL ANGRY.
Wanna guess who that IDIOT is.
I would appreciate it,
if you had told me
Woke up at 6 this morning.
All thanks to Mrs Zailee's SMS.
Will be accompanying her, and a few others
to the primary school tomorrow, to teach
the younger ones ART.
My aunties and grandmother just came.
Gonna be discussing about my cousin's wedding.
They brought along the two small ones (cousins)
Guess I'll have to play with them since
both the twins aren't home.
Yes, over at Mel's again.
Just arrived here not long ago.
Spent the afternoon in the library.
Art, as usual.
Mel here
Stace is taking uber LONG to type a post
I shall just do it for her.
In the library the only interesting event that
happened was this total stranger came up to her..
Asked her what school all.
& she even asked for Stace number.
Because her art was bloody ALIVE.
Ohmygod. You should look at her work.
Off to meet mavis for supper now, she's rushing us.
Its been a long day.
And I am extremly exhausted.
Training in the morning,
and ART eversince.
NONSTOP, it was.
So long and goodnight then.
I can't wait for O's to end.
There's so much I have to tell them.
Its been way too long.
And I miss them, terribly.

Someone, just shoot me.
Save me from all this misery.
Spent the afternoon at Mel's, drawing

She was helping sherry with her art

Sherry's art

And I was helping PARTNER with her art

I remember waiting
For you to come
Remember waiting
For you to call
Remember waiting there to find nothing at allThe Saddest Song - The Ataris
I miss that town
I miss the faces
You can't erase
You can't replace it
I miss it now
I can't believe it
If I could I'd relieve those days
I know the one thing that would never change
Every memory of looking out the back door
I had the photo albums spread on my bedroom floor
Its hard to say, time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye
Every memory of walking out the front door
I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for
Its hard to say, time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye
Look at this photograph
Everytime I do it makes me laughPhotograph - Nickleback
I'll still have these memories
You'll never take from me On a brighter side: DAD bought me a SPONGEBOB :)